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5. Consider Using Herbs to Promote Cardiovascular Health
Many herbs have been traditionally used and proven by modern research to benefit circulation. You probably have some of the right in your home and yard.
- Garlic reduces levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. It helps your body to maintain a healthy blood pressure.
- Ginger is a mildly stimulating warming herb which has been used by Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners for thousands of years as an aid for circulation.
- Cayenne pepper dilates blood vessels and improves circulation throughout all of the tissues of the body.
- Hawthorn is a common shrub which balances blood pressure. It is unlike pharmaceuticals in that small amounts of hawthorn are used to increase the blood pressure if it is low, while larger doses reduce hypertension. It improves cardiac function. Hawthorn relieves tension in the blood vessels, keeping them strong and flexible.
- Dandelion leaf is a fabulous source of vitamins, and minerals. It relieves the body of excess fluid. Unlike diuretic pharmaceutical medications, dandelion provides the body with healthy potassium rather than depleting it of the mineral.
- Olive leaf promotes blood vessel relaxation. This aids flexibility and supports a healthy blood pressure. It contains many beneficial antioxidant compounds.
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