Photo Credit: dulezidar /
3. Eat a Heathy Diet
By eating a diet that benefits your circulation you will improve your level of wellness overall. Eat a diet which contains large amounts of fresh produce. Many studies support the use of a very low fat, vegetarian diet as a boon to cardiovascular health.
Consume most of your protein from plants. Soy products, whole grains, and legumes are low cost, low calorie, fat free sources of protein. Include traditional grains and seeds in your diet. For example quinoa, an easy to prepare food, is a terrific source of protein which contains all eight essential amino acids.
Other things to consider:
- Walnuts, chia, flax, and hemp are heart healthy foods which contain high quality fiber and essential fatty acids.
- Include cold deep water fish in your diet regularly. Salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines contain healthy essential fatty acids which reduce inflammation.
- Inflammation is a major factor in the development of circulatory and other disorders. Limit your intake of processed foods as they promote inflammation and contain empty calories.
- If you choose to include animal products in your diet, eat lean meat only.
- Watch your portion sizes.
Use healthy oils, such as flax, walnut, olive, and canola. Do not reuse cooking oils. Only consume fats in small amounts. You can include fat containing foods such as limited amounts of walnuts and avocado in your diet as they contain heart healthy fats. Try using mashed avocado or hummus on sandwiches as tastier, healthier alternatives to mayonnaise.
Diagnosis is often difficult due to a wide range of symptoms. Here are some early symptoms of Lupus to be aware of.