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6. Coffee May Improve Heart Health
If you drink a cup of coffee, your blood pressure will likely rise temporarily, however, a 2012 study indicates that coffee may lower blood pressure when consumed on a regular basis. Several studies indicate that coffee drinking increases unhealthy cholesterol levels, but it appears that this is not so when coffee is brewed using paper filters.
Before you decide to drink coffee for the health of your blood vessels and heart, know that some people are more prone to have an abnormal heartbeat when they consume coffee. Coffee also promotes inflammation, which contributes to the formation of many cardiovascular and other illnesses.
NCBI (Effects of tea and coffee on cardiovascular disease risk)NCBI (Current evidence for the use of coffee and caffeine to prevent age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease)NCBI (Coffee and tea consumption and risk of stroke subtypes in male smokers)NCBI (Modulatory effect of coffee fruit extract on plasma levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy subjects)Nutrition Journal (Coffee consumption and prostate cancer risk: further evidence for inverse relationship)NCBI (Inverse correlation between coffee consumption and prevalence of metabolic syndrome: baseline survey of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study in Tokushima, Japan)Kyushu University (Intake of Japanese and Chinese teas reduces risk of Parkinson's disease)NCBI (Effects of green tea, black tea, and coffee consumption on the risk of esophageal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies)There are numerous epilepsy treatment options that may help to control the symptoms of epilepsy and prevent seizures from occurring.