Types of Diets
It’s no secret that countless types of diets are designed to help you lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. However, because there are so many options, it can be downright overwhelming trying to figure out which one is the most appropriate one for you. As with any significant changes regarding your health should be discussed with your doctor beforehand.
To help you with research, let’s take a look at a few of the most popular types of diets out there. Keep in mind, not all of these diets will be right for you. However, having a general understanding about them could help you begin the discussion with your healthcare provider.
The Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, has received a lot of notoriety as of late as a solution for weight loss. However, some people may be surprised to learn that it was first introduced as a diet to treat epilepsy. Essentially, the keto diet adheres to a low-carb high-fat diet. The idea is that the body will burn the fat as fuel instead of the carbs.
The diet itself is full of healthy fats such as avocados, coconuts, and Brazil nuts. It’s not to be confused with unhealthy diets that actually do more harm to the body.
However, it’s important to understand that this diet is not for everybody. In fact, individuals with type 1 diabetes as it could result in ketoacidosis and lead to a diabetic coma or even death. Keep in mind, research is fairly new in this diet, but there is proof that this diet could enhance metabolism and lead to weight loss.
The Paleo Diet
In many ways, the Paleo diet is about getting back to the basics as far as human nutrition is concerned. This particular diet focuses on only eating foods that people ate during the Paleolithic era. This period of time is before people harvested grains or added sugars and preservatives to their diet. Essentially any foods that include these things are off limits.
The foods consumed in the Pale diet include lean meats, seafood, a variety of nuts, healthy oils, certain fruits, and vegetables. In addition to weight loss, people on this diet often see an increase in their metabolism and energy levels.
The Whole30 Diet
Whole30 is similar to the Paleo diet but is considered a more short-term approach than a lifestyle diet. Essentially, Whole30 eating patterns are employed to cleanse the body of unhealthy foods as a way to reset your body. For 30 days you eat a strict diet that ensures that you avoid processed foods and sugars.
The benefit of this approach is that you don’t have any calorie counting, but the downside is that it’s not a long-term plan.
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet includes foods often consumed by individuals who live near the Mediterranean Sea. The diet is especially attractive because groups of people who have followed this plan for centuries typically have a longer life expectancy and overall improved health.
Typical foods consumed on this diet include fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil. Essentially, it is a simple diet that focuses exactly on what the body needs to thrive.
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The Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian is a popular diet that strictly avoids meat and seafood. Many people follow this diet not only for health purposes but sometimes for religious beliefs or the moral treatment of animals.
No matter the reason a person may choose this diet, they do need to make sure that they have balanced nutrition. People usually supplement their diet with vitamins to ensure their body is getting enough calcium, zinc, Vitamin D, and B12.
The Vegan Diet
Sometimes, people use vegetarian and vegan diets interchangeably, but there is a difference. Vegans not only avoid meat and seafood, but any by-product of animals including milk, eggs, and cheese.
Vegans stick to a strict plant-based diet that often requires them to include supplements to ensure they are getting the proper nutrition.
The Low FODMAP Diet
Low FODMAP is a carb-limiting diet that focuses on not eating certain carbs that the body has a difficult time processing. When the body is unable to process carbs, they then settle in the colon and can lead to a variety of issues including bloating and even irritable bowel syndrome.
This diet requires a period of elimination in order to understand which carbs your body can tolerate. Essentially, you work through a various list of carbs to discover which ones you can eat and which ones you should avoid.
Fad Diets
There are plenty of fad diets or quick fix diets (i.e., the Abs diet, Hollywood diet, Hip and Thighs diet, etc.), and diets that focus on only eating certain specific food or foods (i.e., apple cider vinegar diet, popcorn diet, cabbage soup diet, etc.) which promise fast weight loss.
While these diets may be suitable for those who are looking to lose a few pounds before an event, such as a wedding or fitting into a pair of jeans, they shouldn't be counted on in the long-term.
The Bottom Line...
There are numerous types of diets out there, and the above is only a small sampling of the various types of diets you can choose from. In order to make the most informed decision about your health, you should always speak to your doctor before starting a new diet regime.
Remember, certain foods impact the body differently, and you should make sure you are getting enough nourishment no matter which diet you choose.