Photo Credit: yevgenromanenko /
Owning a Pet Helps People Socialize
Possibly the most beneficial of all the perks of pet ownership — they are instant conversation starters. A number of studies have proven that pet ownership actually leads to increased socializing, promoting friendly social interaction among neighbors, work colleagues and friends. They provide a topic that majority of us can relate to making it easier to communicate with others.
If you own a pet, ask yourself how many people you talk to on the way when you take your dog out for a walk every day? Two, maybe even three or more. Doesn’t that make you feel more connected with the world and perhaps make you feel more confident?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Health Benefits of Pets)Loyola Medicine (Animal Therapy Reduces Need For Pain Medication After Joint-Replacement Surgery)Diabetes Forecast (Could a Dog Save Your Life?)How many calories should I eat a day? The answer to that questions depends on a variety of factors like if you want to lose, maintain or gain weight.