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Hair Removal Mistakes
When body hair is a nuisance, you want to get rid of it quickly and completely. However, this is no time for hasty decisions and imprecision. Getting rid of hair may seem like a relatively simple task, but a wrong move can lead to terrible pain, skin damage, and infection.
Before you grab the tweezers, spread on the wax, or pick up your razor, take some expert tips to protect your delicate skin and hair follicles from hair removal mistakes before, during, and after your treatment.
1. Skipping the Exfoliator
Exfoliating is more than sloughing off dead skin cells, it’s about preparing the surface before treatment and preventing problems afterwards. Using a gentle scrub before you shave (or a few days before you wax) will smoothen and soften the surface, warding off ingrown hairs after the hair is removed. Follow up with an alpha hydroxy lotion afterwards, which will take away any stray dead skin so the path is free and clear for the hair to grow back through.
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2. Stretching Your Blades Too Far
Razor blades are less robust than you might imagine. The hot, humid bathroom atmosphere will dull the edge and corrode the metal, and any shaving residue that isn’t washed away after your shave will make things worse for next time.
You might want to stick to a cheaper disposable instead of fancier versions; the blades have limited longevity in both cases (just a few shaves), so unless you’re willing to invest in accessories like an oil soaking solution or blade sharpener, the cheaper solution may bring the best value (and results).
Photo Credit: LesByerley /
3. Using the Wrong Suds
Soap is fine for cleaning, but pretty awful for shaving. First, unless it’s an incredibly pure product, it’s probably going to dry out your skin to some degree, and that will make for a rough shaving surface (and a load of irritation). The lather also tends to fall and slip from one area to another, so each stroke will bring a different result. Instead, opt for a shaving soap or shaving cream, and apply it against the grain to make hairs stand up straight – you’ll get a much closer shave, and sidestep razor burn.
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4. Over-Tweezing
When you’re standing in front of a mirror, it’s natural to lift and pull your eyebrows out of shape while you take the tweezers to them. Unfortunately, that mistake can lead to unnaturally arched, too-thin brows when you’re finished. Instead, keep your face relaxed while you pluck, and be sure to stay under the arch, away from the tapered outer edges, and just beside the bridge of your nose – straying into other territory will likely distort your features rather than accentuate them.
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Photo Credit: AntonPZoghi /
5. Winging It With Waxing
Wax has a few virtues, including efficiency, uniformity, and speed. But you need to know what you’re doing to reap those rewards, and at-home kits rely on a good know how for good results. Moreover, if you’re hasty, tentative, or simply not sure what to do, you could break the hair, break the skin, or bruise the whole area. It you don’t know what you’re doing, and not willing to learn, leave the waxing to a professional, and be sure to wait about four weeks between treatments, so there’s enough hair for the wax to grab.
Photo Credit: ValuaVitaly /
6. Forgetting to Moisturize
Wiping down your skin post shave or wax is simply not enough — it’s important to follow a shave with a soothing solution to keep the surface soft and hydrated. Most products aim to lock in the moisture and leave you with a fresh scent, but choose wisely: aftershave with alcohol is actually very drying, and some moisturizers are more irritating than moisturizing.
Lotion or balm is usually the way to go, and steer clear of fragrance or other “helpful” additives that can effectively increase your risk of ingrown hair and pimples.
Photo Credit: RossHelen /
7. Too Much Heat
Shaving in a hot bubble bath may seem like a smart use of time, but hot water will make your skin puff up (just like a hot day out can make your hands and feet swell up). If you wait until after you’ve toweled off and cooled down to shave your legs, you’re bound to get a closer shave. If you can, plan your shaves in the evening, when your skin is at its most relaxed; your limbs also tend to swell slightly during the night, which means less of each hair is exposed when you take up the razor in the shower.
Photo Credit: HconQ /
8. Pinching Pennies on Laser Hair Removal
If you’re really committed to a hairless lifestyle, you may prefer laser treatments over the traditional methods. Take good care to find the right clinician, checking out their certification, and asking how long they’ve been in business. They should want to know your medical history, and be prepared to monitor your specific hair regrowth cycle so they can provide you with the best service. Do your part by committing to a schedule and adjusting your expectations: while it should reduce the amount of hair, laser is not always a permanent solution, and you may have to continue with treatments for a while.
Investing in a few quality, skin-friendly products is never a waste of money, especially if you like to keep your skin as smooth as can be. If you don’t know where to begin, visit a salon or dedicated skin care counter before you decide on a brand — they can help steer you toward the perfect product for your skin type, and your hair removal preferences.
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